Which setup options give me the best results to find all rhymes used in today's music?

Simply tap/click on the two arrows to the right of the search field to select the 'Songwriter Dictionary' and then tap/click on the two arrows to the left of the search field to select the 'Intelligent Rhyme'.

This will allow you to focus on rhymes suitable for lyrics while enabling you to influence the closeness of a rhyme by tapping/clicking on the '≈' and '=' buttons.

When the multi-syllabic option is on (center button) Rhyme Genie will display rhyme mates that match two or more syllables whenever possible. Click on the center button to switch off the multi-syllabic option and match only the last syllable of the search word whenever desired.

The setup screen provides an additional option to show only rhyme mates which are commonly found at the end of song verses once Rhyme Genie has been purchased.

Last updated